Happy gut, happy life

Are you fed up with your gut?

Would you like to go out without having to know the location of the nearest public toilet?

Would you like to eat out without the fear of not knowing which foods will cause you gut distress and are okay for you to eat?

Would you like to live without the bloat, without the gas, and without a wheat/beer/fruit/stress belly?

What would life look like to you in 12 months, five years, or 10 years if your health remains as it is today?

I can tell you from experience that I wished upon a star that my gut issues wouldn’t get any worse, but they did. Why? Because I didn’t do anything outside of the box to change it.

After over two decades of gut challenges, I sure was sick of all of the above issues and I was hoping to get help from western medicine, but I didn’t get any assistance from mainstream conventional treatments, and so I gave up hoping and started taking action in the form of my own research.

I found help in functional and natural therapies that once and for all got to the root cause of my particular health issue.

Today I no longer have to live with an unstable, unhealthy, and unhappy gut. All that fearful and anxious energy I now use to help others overcome their health challenges.

Ask yourself this. What would life be like if you had a soothing, stable, strong, and resilient gut? I can say this much. You feel more confident, less anxious, and your outlook on life just lifts to another level of “you can do this!”

I look at gut health through a functional and natural lens and this holistic perspective requires a very personal approach. Not the one stop drug shop one-size-fits-all model that you get from your regular health practitioner.

You, your gut, your body, your mind, your life are unique and different to everyone else just like your fingerprints.

In order to heal YOUR gut, to overcome YOUR health issues, to remove symptoms and disease showing up in YOUR body+mind you will need YOUR own individualised healing protocol.

I will work with you one-on-one for as long as you are willing and motivated to once and for all heal from what ails you. My goal is to educate you on how YOUR body+mind work and how to connect to your guts intuitive nature so that you no longer need me or another health professional to deal with major health complaints ever again.

Yes, I want you to NOT need me in the future.

Your unique individuality and personal circumstances must be taken into account when designing a plan for healing and you will receive a customised healing protocol based on your own special circumstances when you work with me.

Don’t set sail on someone else’s star

Here is what you will receive as we work together to reach your goals:

  • 1-on-1 Health Coaching
  • Email/Direct Message Support
  • Individualised Healing Protocol centred around:
    • Authentic Connection to Self and Others
    • Dream Building
    • Mindset/Attitude Development
    • Movement
    • Nutrition
    • Toxic Exposure
    • Stress Management

Are you ready to begin your healing journey?

Reach out, get in touch and schedule a free call with me to have a dialogue about your personal situation and circumstances.